A little about TK Art

TK Art is a place to show the creations from Two Kreators, whom are artists that work with a variety of media. The artworks are created by merging several seemingly incompatible worlds into a new universe, in which a visual vocabulary to capture ones mind is put to use. The work incorporates time as well as space – a fictional universe combined with reality that only emerges bit by bit.

The works of TK Art bear strong creative reflection. A possibility of one dreaming and letting the mind go into the land of imagination, is a constant focal point.

We try to establish a connection between our art and your everyday life. Our works focus on bringing what we love to do, to the comforts of your home and life. We are based in Reno, NV and travel worldwide to get inspiration and creativeness to bring to you.

“The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths it has its pearls too” ― VINCENT VAN GOGH